Right now I'm going to sit on it for a bit, then probably start sending it out to my PDF purchasers within the next day or two.
For those wanting a .mobi file, that will take a bit of doing. I have to re-familiarize myself with the program I use to create them, and then make sure all of the formatting translates properly. So, assuming I can get that all figured out, I should be able to send that out in a few days.
So, if you are interested in this anthology, click the link to the right, and make sure to tell me which format you want, and if you want it sent to a different email address than your PayPal account uses. This includes those who want a .mobi file. Let me know your Kindle's address and I can send it there.
Anyways, as I inferred in my first new post, I'd like to get back into blogging about my usual stuff. So, here goes.
As long-time readers may recall, I have been struggling mightily with completing my Masters in History. Right now, I just need the Capstone and I am done. I quickly changed my mind about taking a comprehensive exam. I have, ironically for someone with a love of history, a horrible memory for the details. Dates, names, places, etc., it all escapes me when I try to remember it. In all honesty, History was probably the worst choice for a major for me. But, here I am. It's too late to turn back now.
So, I decided on the Thesis route. But, after dropping out of the Thesis class twice for being unable to really wrap my head around the concept, I switched my program at my college to a new one, which includes a "preparatory" class that wasn't included in my old program (and therefore, would not be paid for with Financial Aid). And I just started that class this week.
The main textbook had a nice section explaining the difference between a Term paper, which is all I had done up to this point, and a Thesis. And that was HUGE for me. I might actually get through this and come out with a Masters Degree (and a mountain of student debt, but let's not dwell on that).
On the writing front, I have been struggling to settle on a single project. This, as you may also recall, has been a problem of mine for years. Though I have taken to writing quite a lot of RPG material. I may even re-open my RPG blog and talk about that.
As for reading, I actually hit 14 of my stated goal of 20 books for 2018 last night. granted several of them are kid's books that I have read to my son at bedtime, and at least one of them is a graphic novel (Spider-man Noir, highly recommended!). But, hey, reading is reading, right?
Anyways, anything fun happen in my absence?