Friday, September 21, 2012

Schoooool's out...for...a week!

(Thanks to Alice Cooper for that parody title)

I just handed in (as in uploaded) my final essay exam for my current class a few minutes ago. And having no further concern, I and my companions will seek adventure...wherever we can find it...

This was a difficult term for me. I found it hard to concentrate on school most of the time, mainly because it ran through the Summer when my daughter was visiting. Plus, I found it hard to relate to the Romans for some reason. That seemed odd, but there you have it. Eventually I came around and kind of enjoyed the last few weeks, despite the amount of catch-up I had to do. My next class starts on October 1st, and takes me back again to Ancient Greece.

So, what am I going to with this whopping nine days I have off from school? Why, write, of course! I will attempt to get as far as I can into the initial draft of my S&P story. I have it plotted out, and even have a hearty approval from Scott Oden on the storyline. It should be fun!

I'm also dabbling with some lingering projects as well. Today my mind is on a modern tale that started out as a failed attempt at NaNoWriMo last year. It's a mystery with a dark and action-packed edge. Well, more like a revenge tale than a mystery. I will probably have one of my friends who is a martial arts instructor proof read the fight scenes for me. I'd like it to be technically accurate in that respect.

And finally, I would like to further the adventures of Gortek and the Red Reavers (and Pekra, too!). I need to hash out some stories, and figure out where they are going to go. I can't decide if I want these to be "slices of life" where the world around them doesn't change much, and the Orcs just live their lives like Orcs. Or if I want there to be some big, over-arching plot that will culminate in some epic event. Thoughts from those who have been following Gortek and Pekra?

We're headed up north this afternoon to hang out with some friends, and so my wife can run a 5k tomorrow. Should be relaxing for me, since I have no homework to be worried about. I will be taking my laptop, though, just in case the writing bug hits me. We're coming back early on Sunday so we can play D&D that evening.  Pretty excited for that too.

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

I've known a number of folks who just don't get into the romans. You're in good company. The same was true of Robert e. Howard. :)