Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Change I can believe in!

As most of my friends on Facebook probably already know, I recently had a story accepted for publication by Weird Tales magazine. Now, most of you who read my blog should already know the significance of that particular title. For those who do not, let me sum it up: Robert E. Howard published his Conan tales (among many others) there in the 1930’s. Yes, this magazine has been around, in one form or another, for that long. As a huge fan of Howard, and an admirer who would love to follow in his literary footsteps, there is a certain amount of extra pride in the fact that my first professional fiction sale is in that particular magazine.

The details of the publishing of this story are not yet set. It looks like possibly April of 2012. And word has it that it may be part of a Sword & Sorcery Special issue. I know of several people who write in that genre that have recently had stories accepted. We’re all part of a Facebook group called the Sword & Sorcery League. Fun stuff. And I will be in good company.

But there’s more! The editor loved my story so much that he said the only thing he didn’t like was that it ended. He asked if there was another story that continues the adventures of the character. I responded that I did have a sequel done, but that it needed a lot of revision. He said he would love to see it too. So, chances are I may already have two sales under my belt to Weird Tales! Needless to say, even though I have months to get him the second story, I have already done revisions and editing, and am currently awaiting feedback from alpha readers. I suspect that I will be sending him a copy within a week or two.

(Incidentaly, it should be noted that Weird Tales recently underwent a change of ownership, and the new owner is still in the process of changing things over.)

Indeed, these are exciting times for me. But I’m not alone in my house.

My wife, Michele, is starting a new phase in her professional journey that just excites me and leaves me in awe. She is an amazing person, and her ability to do what she sets out to do astounds me. I know I don’t have the kind of dedication and discipline she has, naturally. But there’s something about her success that is infectious, and I find myself looking to her example, and having more confidence in my own abilities.

She’s also brilliantly intelligent. She is currently double-majoring in Poli Sci and Economics, all while being a full-time hairdresser, amazing mom and the best wife I could have ever asked for. And, if that weren’t enough, last night she proclaimed that she would like to write a fantasy/romance story, and that she may try her hand at NaNoWriMo again to that end. Maybe, if she is willing, she can do the first draft, and then I can take a crack at it, and we could end up with a collaboration of sorts.

Yeah, things are looking up for us. I have a steady job with good benefits and a decent salary. She has a career with a high potential for financial success. The kids are all healthy and happy. My daughter, who has had her share of hardships and troubles, seems to be doing wonderful, and is on track to having a wonderful life herself.

All-in-all, life in the Doolan household couldn’t be much better at this point. So, I am taking this time to help spread my joy. I have friends who are going through rough times. And though I can’t do much more than be there for them and lend them support, I will at least do that much to my utmost ability.

I just want the world to be as happy as I am. Is that so much to ask?


Charles Gramlich said...

Proud for you, man. That's quite an accomplishment. Sounds like the new group at Weird tales are energized and ready to go.

Travis Erwin said...

That's great. Here's wishing you continued success.

Tom Doolan said...

Thanks guys! :)

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Most excellent, congrats Tom that's awesome!