Monday, September 3, 2018

Cover art?

One of the final steps in producing this anthology of my stories is artwork. Artwork always gives me the most trouble, especially when it has to do with some of my RPG writing projects. So, I'm happy to share that I actually have a cover image I am going to probably use.

The interesting thing is that this artwork solved two problems I was struggling with. First off, it relates to the stories inside by being a direct reference to one of them. It's a modification of the cover used for "The Orc Way" (as you can see in the link image to the right). And that fact lead me to a solution for the other problem I had; what to title the whole thing.

Turns out "Orcish Ways" makes for a good title. It relates to the stories, as many of them involve orcs in some way. And with the cover image being used, it all kind of ties together nicely.

Now I'm waiting for my wife to do the interior art. Which are basically going to be portraits of the protagonists for each. She's already started, so i imagine those will get cranked out soon (she's pretty quick once she gets going on them).

Anyways, here's the artwork I am most likely going to use for the cover. Unless someone comes along and hands me something better.

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